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Perrhenic acid, aqueous solution
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Perrhenic acid, aqueous solution

CAS: 13768-11-1

Ref. 3D-NAA76811

5gA consultar
10gA consultar
25gA consultar
50gA consultar
100gA consultar
Entrega estimada em Estados Unidos, Segunda-feira 8 de Julho de 2024

Informação sobre produto

Perrhenic acid, aqueous solution
  • Hydrogen perrhenate
  • Hydrogen tetraoxorhenate(1-)
  • Hydroxy(Trioxo)Rhenium
  • Perrhenic acid (HReO<sub>4</sub>)
  • Rhenate (ReO<sub>4</sub><sup>1-</sup>), hydrogen (1:1), (T-4)-
  • Rhenate (ReO<sub>4</sub><sup>1-</sup>), hydrogen, (T-4)-
  • Rhenic acid (HReO<sub>4</sub>)

Perrhenic acid is a peroxide-based chemical compound. It can be synthesized by the reaction of methyl ethyl and rhenium metal in the presence of hydrogen gas and a solid catalyst. The reaction proceeds via a radical mechanism, with zirconium oxide being used as the catalyst. Perrhenic acid has been shown to have high values for oxidation activity, and is also a strong electron donor. This compound can be used as an oxidation catalyst, or as a catalyst in reactions that require high values of heat or light energy input. Structural analysis has shown that perrhenic acid is composed of zirconium and rhenium atoms with alternating six-coordinate and five-coordinate bonds. The molecule also contains two oxygen atoms which are bonded to the central atom at three points each, forming three oxo groups.

Armazenamento a longo prazo:

Propriedades químicas

Peso molecular:
251.26 g/mol
Min. 95%
Ponto de fusão:
Ponto de ebulição:
Ponto de inflamação:
Código HS:

Informação sobre riscos

Número ONU:
Frases H:
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Consulta técnica sobre: 3D-NAA76811 Perrhenic acid, aqueous solution

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