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Avitide AVIPure® - AAV9 Residual Ligand Assay Kit

Ref. 5M-F970

1.218,00 €
Entrega estimada em Estados Unidos, Segunda-feira 13 de Maio de 2024

Informação sobre produto

Avitide AVIPure® - AAV9 Residual Ligand Assay Kit

The Avitide AVIPure® - AAV9 Residual Ligand Assay kits are intended for use in quantifying the Avitide AVIPure® - AAV9 Ligand. This kit (Item Number F970) incorporates a well-qualified sample treatment method to dissociate the ligand from the AAV virus.AVIPure® - AAV9 Ligand, immobilized on various chromatography media, is used to purify AAV9 virus. Even when covalently attached, the ligand can leach off of the chromatography support and co-elute with AAV9. Residual AVIPure® - AAV9 Ligand must be minimized to avoid any adverse patient effects. The Avitide AVIPure® - AAV9 Ligand assay is a competition immunoenzymetric assay. The biotinylated ligand is first bound to the streptavidin coated plate. After a wash step to remove any unbound ligand, the antibody, directly labeled with Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP), as well as the AVIPure® - AAV9 Ligand is then added to the microtiter plate. After an additional wash step to remove any unbound reactants, the strips are then reacted with tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) substrate. The amount of hydrolyzed substrate is read on a microtiter plate reader and will be directly proportional to the concentration of AVIPure® - AAV9 Ligand present in the sample. Accurate quantitation is achieved by comparing the signal of unknowns to AVIPure® - AAV9 Ligand standards assayed at the same time.This immunoassay provides a simple to use, precise, and highly sensitive method to detect AVIPure® - AAV9 Ligand to less than 1ng/mL. As such, it can be used as a tool to aid in optimal purification process development and in routine quality control of in-process streams as well as final product. Please use Sample Diluent, Item No. I300, with these kits; also included in the kit.

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