Biochemicals and Reagents
Biochemicals and reagents are fundamental substances for research and development in fields such as biotechnology, molecular biology, pharmacology, and medicine. These products are essential for a variety of applications, including compound synthesis, biological sample analysis, metabolic process research, and drug production. At CymitQuimica, we offer a wide selection of high-quality, high-purity biochemicals and reagents suitable for various scientific and industrial needs. Our catalog includes enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, amino acids, and many other products, all designed to support researchers and professionals in their research and development projects, ensuring reliable and reproducible results.
Subcategories of "Biochemicals and Reagents"
Products of "Biochemicals and Reagents"
GMPPA antibody
Ref: 3D-70R-3033
100µl | Discontinued | Request information |
IMPA2 antibody
Ref: 3D-70R-2599
100µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-70R-21187
50µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-70R-20410
50µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-70R-20402
1u | Discontinued | Request information | |
50µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-70R-17488
50µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-70R-17486
50µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-70R-16254
50µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-70R-15504
50µl | Discontinued | Request information |
MVD antibody
Ref: 3D-70R-13419
100µl | Discontinued | Request information |
DKK3 antibody
Ref: 3D-70R-12543
100µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-61-1074
250µg | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-55R-1628
1piece | Discontinued | Request information |
Ref: 3D-43R-1608
500µl | Discontinued | Request information |
Goat anti Chicken IgY (H + L) (Alk Phos)
Ref: 3D-43R-1606
1ml | Discontinued | Request information |
Donkey anti Sheep IgG (H + L) (HRP)
Ref: 3D-43R-1591
500µg | Discontinued | Request information |
Rabbit anti Sheep IgG
Ref: 3D-40C-CB1329
1u | Discontinued | Request information | |
500µg | Discontinued | Request information |
Goat anti Human IgG (H + L)
Ref: 3D-40C-CB0922
2mg | Discontinued | Request information |
Rabbit anti Goat IgG (H + L)
Ref: 3D-40C-CB0508
1u | Discontinued | Request information | |
1500µg | Discontinued | Request information |
Rhebl1 Blocking Peptide
Ref: 3D-33R-9495
1u | Discontinued | Request information | |
100µg | Discontinued | Request information |