Redox. Standards
Redox standards are used to calibrate and verify the performance of electrochemical systems that measure oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). These standards provide a reference for determining the redox state of various solutions in environmental, industrial, and research settings. CymitQuimica offers a broad range of redox standards to ensure accurate ORP measurements, supporting a wide range of electrochemical applications.
Reagecon 250 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS250
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 600 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS60010
10l | 897.00 € |
Reagecon 220 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C in Twin Neck
Ref: 07-RS22025TT
250ml | 67.00 € |
Reagecon 400 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS400
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 465 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS46510
10l | 897.00 € |
Reagecon 124 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS124
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 600 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS600
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 465 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS46525
250ml | 37.00 € |
Reagecon 650 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS65010
10l | 897.00 € |
Reagecon 358 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS35810
10l | 897.00 € |
Reagecon 200 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS20025
250ml | 40.00 € |
Reagecon 400 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS40010
10l | 897.00 € |
Reagecon 200 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS20010
10l | 897.00 € |
Reagecon 200 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS200
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 475 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS475
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 650 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS650
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 468 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS468
500ml | 99.00 € |
Reagecon 440 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS440
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 358 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS358
500ml | 71.00 € |
Reagecon 465 mV Redox Oxidation/Reduction (ORP) Standard at 25°C
Ref: 07-RS465
500ml | 71.00 € |