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β-Galactosidase >100KU/g
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β-Galactosidase >100KU/g

CAS: 9031-11-2

Rif. 3D-FL31718

79,00 €
117,00 €
176,00 €
278,00 €
333,00 €
Consegna stimata in Stati Uniti, il Venerdì 26 Luglio 2024

Informazioni sul prodotto

β-Galactosidase >100KU/g
  • Lactase
  • Biolacta
  • Biolacta FN 5
  • Biolacta N 5
  • Biolactasa NL
  • Biolactase L
  • Biolactase NTL-CONC
  • Deerland 100K lactase
  • E.C.
  • Enzeco Lactase NL
  • Vedi altri sinonimi
  • Enzeco fungal lactase
  • Fungal lactase 30,000
  • Galactosidasa, Β-
  • Galactosidase
  • Galactosidase, β-
  • Galactosidases
  • Galaktosidase, β-
  • Galantase
  • Gamma-lactase A50P
  • Godo YNL 10000
  • Godo YNL 2 Lactase
  • Godo YNL2
  • Godo-Ynl
  • Ha-Lactase
  • Hydrolact
  • Lacdigest
  • Lactaid
  • Lactase F
  • Lactase L107P
  • Lactase P
  • Lactase Y "Amano" L
  • Lactase Y-AO
  • Lacteeze
  • LactoMax
  • Lactokanescin G 20x
  • Lactoles
  • Lactosylceramidase II
  • Lactozym 2000L
  • Lactozym 3000 lactase
  • Lactozym Pure 6500L
  • Lactozyme
  • Lactozyme 3000L
  • Lactozyme Pure 2600L
  • Lx 5000
  • Maxilact
  • Maxilact 2000
  • Maxilact L 2000
  • Maxilact LX 5000
  • Neutralact
  • Ntl 3000
  • Oryzatym
  • S 2107
  • Sumiklat
  • Sumilacto L
  • Sumylact GLL
  • Sumylact L
  • Sumylact LL
  • Tilactase
  • Tolerase
  • beta-Galactosidase
  • p-Nitrophenyl β-galactosidase
  • β-<span class="text-smallcaps">D</span>-Galactopyranosidase
  • β-<span class="text-smallcaps">D</span>-Galactoside galactohydrolase
  • β-<span class="text-smallcaps">D</span>-Lactosidase
  • β-<span class="text-smallcaps">L</span>-Galactanase
  • β-D-Galactopyranosidase
  • β-D-Galactoside galactohydrolase
  • β-D-Lactosidase
  • β-Galactanase
  • β-Galactosidase
  • β-L-Galactanase
  • β-Lactosidase
  • γ-Lactase A 50P

beta-Galactosidase (EC, shortly beta-Gal, also know as lactase) catalyses the hydrolysis of beta-d-galactoside in the presence of water to galactose and alcohol, or lactose into glucose and galactose. beta-Gal has a molecular weight of 540,000 and is composed of four identical subunits of MW 135,000, each with an independent active site. The enzyme has divalent metals as cofactors, with chelated Mg2+ ions required to maintain active site conformation. The molecule contains numerous sulfhydryl groups and is glycosylated.

This type of enzyme is found widespread in many microorganisms, plants and animals. In E. coli for instance, the beta-Gal protein is encoded by the lacZ gene. The enzyme is often used as a reporter for monitoring gene expression. beta-Gal also has good characteristics when conjugated to antibody molecules or streptavidin for use in ELISA kits. In addition, the enzyme is used to determine lactose in biological fluids and it is employed in food processing operations. Traditionally, beta-Gal activity is tested using the X-Gal or ONPG chromogenic substrates. But with the pioneering AquaSpark® beta-D-galactoside a substrate for beta-Gal detection becomes available that provides a previously unseen sensitivity. See here for futher informaiton on AquaSpark®: AquaSpark Chemiluminescence | Cymit Quimica

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