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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020: the tool to change the code of life

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020: the tool to change the code of life

From CymitQuimicawe like to contribute to the spread and the expansion of knowledge of science. This year The Nobel Prize in Chemistryhas been awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A.Doudna.

They have discovered the ‘genetic scissors’ CRISPR/Cas9, which allow modifying the DNA of animals, plants and microorganisms with extraordinary precision.

In 2012 both researchers found out this technology, which will allow the study of new cancer therapies and cure inherited diseases in future. This specialized tool has revolutionised science, states the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

We would like to mention the name of the Spanish scientific Francisco Juan Martínez Mojica, who was the pioneer in finding the original genetic edition tool, CRISPR in 2003.

You might read this article in detail here.

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