New USP-NF edition is now available
This online versiongrants access to all content to streamline the workflow.
With this new online version you will get these benefits:
Comprehensive search toolsto find information more easily.
Simplified navigationwith notes that explain the content of the sections, facilitating use to both new and frequent users.
Possibility of marking pages as favoritesand being able to get back to them very easily.
You will be able to receive email notificationsabout planned changes in specific documents.
With this new Edition you can access:
• More than 4,900 monographswith specifications of identity, content, quality, purity, packaging and labeling of substances and pharmaceutical forms.
• More than 350 general chaptersthat provide detailed guidance for assessments, tests, and procedures.
• Tables with a specific focus and a combined indexthat will help to find any necessary information.
• Helpful sections on reagents, indicators, and solutions, plus reference tables
• In addition, a new general chapteris included: <800> Dangerous drugs - handling in healthcare facilities.
Get now the online version with access for a single user or from 2 up to 20 in English.
And the online version in Spanish.
The printed and USB versions won’t be available for future editions, but for the moment the latest edition is still maintained and available here.
If you want more information, feel free to contact us.