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Women in Science, International Women's Day

Women in Science, International Women's Day

8 Mar 2024

On this very special day, we join the global celebration of the talent, determination, and invaluable contributions of women in science. On behalf of CymitQuimica, we are honoured to recognise and applaud the crucial role women play in research, laboratories, and the pharmaceutical industry.

The periodic table, a fundamental pillar of chemistry, has been shaped by numerous scientists throughout history. Marie Curie and Marguerite Perey are two prominent figures whose contributions have left a lasting mark on this fundamental tool for understanding the nature of elements.

  • MARIE CURIE, renowned for her pioneering research in radioactivity, not only discovered the elements radium and polonium but also helped lay the groundwork for the organisation of the periodic table. Her work extended the boundaries of scientific knowledge, showcasing the richness and diversity of elements and their chemical behaviour.
  • MARGUERITE PEREY, a disciple of Curie, carried forward her legacy by discovering the element francium, thus completing an important row on the periodic table. Her work provided significant insights into the chemistry of elements and their placement on the periodic table.

Marie Curie and Marguerite Perey are among the women who helped in the creation of the periodic table, although most are relatively unknown. Throughout history, science has been predominantly male. However, women have contributed in all scientific fields, even though their contributions have been systematically overlooked. Unjustly, the lack of recognition of their contributions in science, art, or technology has been used as evidence of their supposed intellectual inferiority.

On International Women's Day, when the streets are filled with a violet tide in support of women's rights, it is important to highlight the names and achievements of these five key women in the periodic table.

It is necessary to promote inclusive policies and concrete actions that ensure equal opportunities and recognise the invaluable contribution of women in science. Furthermore, it is vital to inspire future generations, encouraging the participation of girls and young women in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), thus cultivating an environment where talent and creativity know no gender barriers.

Today at CymitQuimica, we have reached 50% women on our staff. Let us continue working together to build a world where gender is not an obstacle to ingenuity and creativity.

Happy International Women's Day!

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