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How to know which product to choose?

How to know which product to choose?

At CymitQuimica we know that our product catalog is so wide that sometimes, after a search on our website it is difficult to know which of all the products to choose.

For this reason, today we want to give you a few tips to compare our products and choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Sort by:on our website you can sort the products by price, purity or, if you wish, by estimated delivery date.

  • Filters:you can filter the products you get as a search result: by purity, melting point or the category they belong to. This way you can narrow down the options making it easier to see the products that fit your needs.

  • View settings:do you prefer to see all the information about each product or to see more products on one page for easier comparison? You have three page view options to choose from and you can also change the number of products you see on them.

If you have any questions or can't find the product you want, you can contact our support team at

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