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Webinar catálogo life science

Webinar catálogo life science

Last January CymitQuimica offered a webinar to explain and resolve all doubts regarding our life science product catalogue. In this webinar, our team specialised in the sector explained in detail all the advantages that our catalogue can offer, focusing on the fields of microbiology, immunology, and botany, as well as products for life science laboratories in general, following the next programme:

  1. Introduction

  2. CymitQuimica's portfolio: the brands with which we collaborate were explained.

  3. Field of study: our catalogue was explained, highlighting the most important brands according to the different fields of study.

  4. Novelties in life science: special products and the different novelties in this field were explained.

  5. News in CymitQuimica

  6. Questions and answers

We invite you to watch the recording of this webinar. If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

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