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Learn about Larodan, our main partner for lipids

Learn about Larodan, our main partner for lipids

Larodan is a leading company in the manufacture of lipids used in various sectors such as laboratory research, food and nutritional industry, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics and many other applications in the chemical industry. With more than 50 years of experience in the sector, the company produces a wide range of high purity lipids(close to 99%) in various categories.

Larodan's portfolio is very broad, but we can highlight the following categories:

In addition, the company offers a wide range of oxidised lipids with biological activity, such as elovanoids, eicosanoids and octadecanoids, used in inflammation and immune response research, among others.

Larodan's products are also used in research on diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders, etc.

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