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FASTtrack: Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery and Targeting
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FASTtrack: Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery and Targeting

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FASTtrack: Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery and Targeting

Perrie, Yvonne; Rades, Thomas

Second edition

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Yvonne Perrie - Chair in Drug Delivery, Aston Pharmacy School, Aston University and Thomas Rades - Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences, The New Zealand National School of Pharmacy.

ISBN 978 0 85711 059 6

Published Jun 2012

Paperback 234 x 156mm (256pp)


FASTtrack Pharmaceutics: Drug Delivery and Targeting systematically reviews important concepts and facts for the delivery and targeting of drugs. Relevant examples of drug delivery systems are given throughout the book with a focus on drug delivery systems that have actually reached clinical reality.
FASTtrack Pharmaceutics: Drug Delivery and Targeting focuses on what you really need to know in order to pass exams. Concise, bulleted information, chapter overviews, hints, key points, mind maps and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs.
Information is presented concisely with self assessment questions/answers and mindmaps to aid learning. The text has been updated for the new edition based on student feedback.
Pharmaceutics: Drug Delivery and Targeting is a valuable resource for any pharmacy student needing to study the essentials of this topic.
Watch author Yvonne Perrie explaining how pharmaceutical scientists are responsible for the research and development of new medicines, ensuring their safety and quality.
Are your exams coming up? Are you drowning in textbooks and lecture notes and wondering where to begin? Take the FASTtrack route to study successfully for your examinations. FASTtrack provides the ultimate lecture notes and is a must-have for all pharmacy students wanting to study and test themselves for forthcoming exams.
FASTtrack Pharmaceutics: Drug Delivery and Targeting is also available as an ebook.


1. Controlling Drug Delivery
2. Immediate-Release Drug Delivery Systems I: Increasing the solubility and dissolution rate of drugs
3. Immediate-Release Drug Delivery Systems II: Increasing the permeability and absorption of drugs
4. Delayed-Release Drug Delivery Systems
5. Sustained-Release Drug Delivery Systems
6. Controlled-Release Dosage Forms
7. Site-Directed Drug Targeting
8. Carriers for Drug Targeting
Answers to self-assessment
Mind maps


February 2014
"I believe this book is truly a hidden gem...
...The self-assessment MCQ’s help to solidify knowledge covered in their relevant section, as well as highlighting areas of difficulty which could be easily found within the book and revised again if needed. I found that these questions were of similar difficulty to the MCQ’s used in lectures and past exam papers, facilitating exam prep...
...The diagrams were all very clear, simple and easy to understand, even when explaining complex mechanisms and routes of targeting...
...In conclusion I found this book really useful for basic and advanced understanding and revision of such a daunting unit. In addition to this it has also helped with thesis writing for my final year project that has a drug-targeting underlining."
Lauren Jones, 4th year student, Portsmouth University, February 2014.

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