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EBV EBNA3A (158-166) (HLA-B8)
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EBV EBNA3A (158-166) (HLA-B8)

Ref. 3D-CRB1001459

184.00 €
149.00 €
Estimated delivery in United States, on Friday 14 Jun 2024

Product Information

EBV EBNA3A (158-166) (HLA-B8)
  • QAKWRLQTL-acidH-Gln-Ala-Lys-Trp-Arg-Leu-Gln-Thr-Leu-OH

EBV EBNA3A (158-166) (HLA-B8) is an immunodominant CEF control peptide that is derived from the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV targets B cells, which can cause lytic infection and the consequent death of these cells. Natural killer (NK) cells, invariant (iNKT) cells, CD4T cells and CD8 T cells are essential to control the action of EBV-infected cells. EBV EBNA3A (158-166) (HLA-B8) is defined as a CEF control peptide due to its antigenic properties. Clinically, this peptide is a suitable epitope for CD8+ T cells and can be used to stimulate the release of IFNg. HLA-B8 refers to the cell HLA type that this peptide acts on.The Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 3A (EBNA3A) protein plays a significant role in reprogramming the gene expression of host cells. The action of this protein affects cell proliferation, survival, differentiation and immune surveillance. EBNA3A also targets tumour suppressor pathways in the infected B cells, meaning it is considered an oncoprotein.

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Chemical properties

Molecular weight:
1,142.7 g/mol
Melting point:
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HS code:

Hazard Info

UN Number:
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Technical inquiry about: 3D-CRB1001459 EBV EBNA3A (158-166) (HLA-B8)

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