Product Information
- Ai3-06187
- Carbamic acid, N-ethyl-N-phenyl-, ethyl ester
- Carbamic acid, ehtylphenyl-, ethyl ester
- Carbamic acid, ethylphenyl-, ethyl ester
- Carbamic acid, ethylphenyl-, ethyl ester (9CI)
- Carbanilic acid, N-ethyl-, ethyl ester
- Carbanilic acid, N-ethyl-, ethyl ester (8CI)
- Ethyl N-ethyl-N-phenylcarbamate
- Ethyl N-ethylcarbanilate
- Ethyl ethyl(phenyl)carbamate
- See more synonyms
- Ethyl ethylphenylcarbamate
- Ethyl phenylurethane
- Hsdb 2753
- Nsc 6776
- N-Ethyl-N-phenylurethane
Ethylphenyl-carbamic acid ethyl ester is a urethane that has been shown to be active against tobacco. It is also detectable in some human tissues, but its activity is low. The compound has a reproducible effect on epithelial cells and isomers of the phenyl ring are present in the molecule. Cleavage of the compound yields pyridyl moieties, which may account for its presence in epithelial tissues. This active form can be synthesized from ethylphenol and carbamic acid ethyl ester.