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3-Fluoro-4-cyanophenyl 4-ethylbenzoate
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3-Fluoro-4-cyanophenyl 4-ethylbenzoate

CAS: 86776-50-3

Ref. 3D-FF84291

1gTo inquire
5gTo inquire
500mgTo inquire
Estimated delivery in United States, on Tuesday 20 Aug 2024

Product Information

3-Fluoro-4-cyanophenyl 4-ethylbenzoate
  • 2-Beb(F)-C
  • 3-Fluoro-4-cyanophenyl4-ethylbenzoate
  • 4-Cyano-1-(4-ethylbenzoyloxy)-3-fluorobenzene
  • 4-Cyano-3-fluorophenyl 4-ethylbenzoate
  • Me 2N.F
  • Pzg-2-N

3-Fluoro-4-cyanophenyl 4-ethylbenzoate is a liquid crystal polymer that has been shown to have excellent sensitivity and to be reusable. It is a thermoplastic polymer with the chemical formula of C16H18FN3O2. 3-Fluoro-4-cyanophenyl 4-ethylbenzoate can be used as a coating for polyester films, which are sensitive to moisture. When the film is exposed to humidity, water molecules interact with the 3FCPA moieties on the polymer surface, causing an increase in viscosity and decrease in flexibility. This change in properties makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate into the material and causes cracks to form on the surface. The plate interaction method was used to determine how 3FCPA interacts with π-π interactions. The sensor can identify recycled plastics by measuring the changes in electrical resistance due to crosslinking from heat exposure or chemical treatment of polyethylene tere

Our products are intended for lab use only. For any other use, please contact us.
Long term storage:

Chemical properties

Min. 95%
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Flash point:
HS code:

Hazard Info

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Technical inquiry about: 3D-FF84291 3-Fluoro-4-cyanophenyl 4-ethylbenzoate

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