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Lithium chromate dihydrate
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Lithium chromate dihydrate

CAS: 7789-01-7

Ref. 3D-HAA78901

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Estimated delivery in United States, on Friday 26 Jul 2024

Product Information

Lithium chromate dihydrate
  • Dilithium Dioxido(Dioxo)Chromium Dihydrate

Lithium chromate dihydrate is a compound composed of a metal salt, lithium chromate, and water. It is a colorless crystalline solid that has an odorless or slightly sweet taste. Lithium chromate dihydrate is used as a moisturizer for the skin and hair, as well as a preservative in cosmetics. The nitrogen atom in the molecule binds to water molecules and creates hydrogen bonds with other molecules, which prevents moisture from evaporating. It also contains a hydrocarbon group that helps to maintain hydration by attracting water to the surface of the skin. This compound can be found in carnitine and hydroxycitric acid supplements for weight loss due to its ability to inhibit fat production.

Lithium chromate dihydrate also acts as an antioxidant by binding free radicals before they can damage cells. It has been shown that this compound can prevent oxidative stress-induced cell death in vitro, while reducing cognitive impairment in vivo. Studies have found that lithium

Our products are intended for lab use only. For any other use, please contact us.
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Chemical properties

Molecular weight:
147.89 g/mol
Min. 95%
Melting point:
Boiling point:
Flash point:
HS code:

Hazard Info

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Technical inquiry about: 3D-HAA78901 Lithium chromate dihydrate

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