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Palmitic acid-d9
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Palmitic acid-d9

CAS: 1173022-49-5

Ref. 3D-YWB02249

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Estimated delivery in United States, on Monday 26 Aug 2024

Product Information

Palmitic acid-d9

Palmitic acid-d9 is a deuterated form of palmitic acid, which is a saturated fatty acid. It is commonly used in industrial applications and research in the field of Life Sciences. Palmitic acid-d9 has various functions and properties that make it useful in different areas. It can act as a precursor for the synthesis of other compounds such as glutamate, a neurotransmitter, and p. aeruginosa, an opportunistic pathogen. Additionally, it is involved in the production of basic proteins, chemokines, cellulose, and growth factors.

Palmitic acid-d9 is also used in the production of sulfadiazine, an antibiotic commonly used to treat bacterial infections. In terms of biomass production, it serves as a carbon source for microorganisms and can be metabolized to produce energy.

In the field of Life Sciences, palmitic acid-d9 is often used as a stable isotopic tracer for studying metabolic pathways and lipid metabolism. Its de

Our products are intended for lab use only. For any other use, please contact us.
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Chemical properties

Molecular weight:
265.48 g/mol
Min. 95%
Melting point:
Boiling point:
Flash point:
HS code:

Hazard Info

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Technical inquiry about: 3D-YWB02249 Palmitic acid-d9

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