FluroBronze 50bp Ladder Plus
Ref. SR-39563
50µg | Discontinued |
Product Information
The FluroBronze 50bp ladder plus are specially prepared as ready-to-load fluorescent ladders and is ideal for determining the size of double-stranded DNA from 50 to 1000 base pairs. The ladder consists of 13 linear double-stranded fragments .The 250bp and 500bp fragment are present at increased intensity to allow easy identification. All fragments are precisely quantified and mixed during the production. For 5 mcl loading, all fragments except 250bp and 500bp are 40ng. The 250bp and 500bp fragment are 100ng. This ladder is pre-mixed with loading dye and is ready- to- us. The ladder should be loaded onto an agaorse gel (of appropriate concentration) containing no fluorescent dye. The stain contained in the ladder replaces ethidium bromide, thus eliminating its addition to the gel.