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Acids and Synthetic Reagents

Synthetic reagents are essential for chemical synthesis as they enable faster and cleaner reactions, improving efficiency and product quality. They also facilitate analysis and quality control in various chemical processes. In this section, you will find a wide range of reagents, including chiral auxiliary compounds, organic ligands, polymer-supported reagents, and resins for synthesis. These products are designed to support your research and industrial applications, ensuring high-performance results. At CymitQuimica, we provide a comprehensive selection of high-quality acids and synthetic reagents to meet your specific needs.

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Products of "Acids and Synthetic Reagents"

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products per page. 5184 products on this category.

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Heptyl p-Toluenesulfonate

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(Perfluorohexyl)phenyliodonium Trifluoromethanesulfonate

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Di-tert-butyl Chloromethyl Phosphate

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Polyethylene Glycol-bound Ruthenium Carbene Complex

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