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Do you know Reagecon's principal solutions?

Do you know Reagecon's principal solutions?

Reagecon is one of our brands with the most extensive portfolio of physical, chemical and material reference standards (CRMs). Additionally, they have a long list of quality certificates (ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17034, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 45001:2018).

For this reason, it is one of our main suppliers and in today's newsletter we would like to introduce you to some of their most important products and how to find them on our website.

  • pH buffers and electrode maintenance solutions. Although Reagecon's buffer solutions are well known, the storage, cleaning and electrode refilling solutions are not as popular. These solutions are equally important to maintain the quality and increase the durability of the electrodes and to ensure high reliability of the results in the laboratory.

  • Both physical and chemical standards. Reagecon provides a wide range of standard solutions such as standard solutions for colour, redox, TOC, COD, etc.We also have standards according to the main pharmacopoeias.

It is also important to consider that most of the solutions are not always classified by CAS number, so if you are looking for a Reagecon product on our website it is advisable to look for it by name, preferably in English.

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