Product Information
- (2,4-Dinitro-7-Sodiooxysulfonyl-1-Naphthyl)Oxysodium
- 1307 Yellow
- 1422 Yellow
- 2-Naphthalenesulfonate, 5,7-Dinitro-8-Olato-, Sodium Salt (1:1)
- 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 8-hydroxy-5,7-dinitro-, disodium salt
- 2-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 8-hydroxy-5,7-dinitro-, sodium salt (1:2)
- 5,7-Dinitro-8-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, disodium salt
- A.F. Yellow No.1
- Acid Leather Yellow NYS
- Acid Yellow S
- See more synonyms
- Acid yellow 1
- Amacid Yellow S
- Calcocid Yellow S
- Disodium 5,7-Dinitro-8-Oxidonaphthalene-2-Sulfonate
- Disodium 5,7-Dinitro-8-Oxidonaphthalene-2-Sulphonate
- Dolkwal Naphthol Yellow S
- Dynacid Yellow S
- Edicol Supra Yellow Y
- Ext D & C Yellow 7
- Ext D and C Yellow No. 7
- Ext D&C Yellow No. 7
- Ext D&C Yellow No. 7-38007
- Ext D&C Yellow No. 7-90126
- External D and C Yellow 7
- External Yellow 7
- FD and C Yellow No. 1
- Flavianic acid disodium salt
- Flavianic acid sodium salt
- Hispacid Yellow NSF
- Japan Yellow 403-1
- Japan Yellow No. 403-1
- Java Naphthol Yellow S
- KCA Naphthol Yellow S
- Kiton Yellow S
- Maple Naphthol Yellow S
- Monacid Yellow RS
- Nankai Naphthol Yellow S
- Naphthol Lake Yellow FY
- Naphthol Yellow
- Naphthol Yellow L
- Naphthol Yellow OS
- Naphthol Yellow PL
- Naphthol Yellow RS
- Naphthol Yellow S 38007
- Naphthol Yellow S 90126
- Naphthol Yellow S sodium salt
- Naphthol Yellow SEL 12
- Naphthol Yellow SFQ
- Naphthol Yellow SNA
- Naphthol Yellow SXX
- NaphtholYellowSsodiumsalt
- Naphtocard Yellow S
- Naphtol Yellow S
- Paper Yellow L
- Rakuto Naphthol Yellow S
- Sodium flavianate
- Solar Yellow NY
- Solar Yellow NY conc
- Solar Yellow NY, sodium salt
- Sulfur Yellow S
- Transparent Yellow Lake 16091
- Triacid Yellow S
- Yellow 403-1
- Yellow Lake 71
- Yellow No. 403
- Yellow No. 403-1
- naphthol yellow S (C.I. 10316)
- C.I. 10316~5,7-Dinitro-8-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulphonic acid disodium salt~Flavianic acid disodium salt
- C.I. Acid Yellow 1
- C.I. 10316
- C.I. Food Yellow 1
- Acid yellow 1 (C.I. 10316)
Naphthol Yellow S is a dye that is used in the detection of proteins. It binds to basic proteins, such as DNA and RNA, and stains them yellow. Naphthol Yellow S can also be used to detect the presence of enzymes by measuring the rate of reaction. The activity of an enzyme is proportional to its concentration; therefore, measuring the rate of reaction can be used to determine enzyme concentration. Naphthol Yellow S is a useful tool for examining cell nuclei and nuclear dna because it stains these structures yellow. This dye has been shown to be ineffective at staining gland cells due to their acidic environment.