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Antiparasitics are compounds designed to treat and prevent parasitic infections by inhibiting the growth and survival of parasites. This category includes a range of antiparasitic agents intended exclusively for laboratory use and not for human consumption. These products are essential for research purposes, allowing scientists to study parasitic life cycles, mechanisms of action, and the development of resistance. The use of antiparasitics in laboratory settings aids in the discovery and optimization of new treatments for parasitic diseases, contributing to advancements in medical and veterinary parasitology. Researchers rely on these products to enhance their understanding of parasitic infections and to develop more effective therapies.

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products per page. 642 products on this category.

BrandProduct dataPurityPrice rangeEstimated delivery
Targetmol logo
DDD107498 succinate
REF: TM-T5404
CAS: 2444781-71-7
100%- - -Discontinued product
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Levamisole hydrochloride
REF: TM-T0944
CAS: 16595-80-5
99.89%- - -Discontinued product
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DDD107498 succinate

Ref: TM-T5404

50mgDiscontinuedRequest information
100mgDiscontinuedRequest information
200mgDiscontinuedRequest information
Discontinued product
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Levamisole hydrochloride

Discontinued product
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